
Showing posts from July, 2018

Bass: The Hell Savior (High School Art Project)

I was 10 or 11 when I first saw The Matrix on VHS and probably broke a VCR or two rewatching it over and over again for a couple of years. It's what you gotta do at the time when you have no friends and aren't trusted to be outside of the house too poor to get a DVD player: rewatch things on tape. Naturally, the movie and its sequels played a major impact on my imagination the same way Dragon Ball Z had prior; with elements of the two, Little Nicky (no, really), Resident Evil 4 and a myriad of other influences, I created the canon of Bass: The Hell Savior. Bass: The Hell Savior was about Satan's revenge on the divine order. He had 8 children between his fall from grace as Lucifer and the present day; all but one were born from a succubus. His eighth child, Bass, was born from an angel. During the 1960's, Satan put his plan into motion; what that plan was, I don't remember, but Bass learned it would threaten the Eternal Flame of Hell and thus existence itsel