
Showing posts from December, 2019

I Write Sins and Tragedies [Dark Improv]

Also called "Suck it, Urie", these are a series of really short stories that encourage audience participation in a stage improv setting. Note: doing exactly this is a really bad idea. enjoy Scene One It had been 8 months since the Jacobsons lost both of their children in a deadly school shooting. Their daughter was the shooter's final victim before he had turned the gun on himself, visibly shaken after taking his sister's life. The parents had just begun moving things from his room to piles meant for either the trash or Goodwill when they uncovered a notebook in their son's room, a notebook that had only one entry on it dated three days before the shooting. It said: [adjective noun] Scene Two The old woman looked out through her window into a rainy night with a sorrowful, bitter expression. On the verge of tears, she turns away and heads toward the bathroom, where she begins to draw a hot bath. She turns on the radio and lights candles before pouring e